Tuesday 6 January 2015

Week 0 - Introduction

Hello All,

            My name is Christopher Thompson. This is my first time writing in the blogging world. Although I have not ever written a blog, I have read those of others. The areas in which I read most of these blogs are in sports, business, and world events. I look forward to being able to contribute my own stories to this atmosphere.
            The purpose of my blog will be mainly to provide weekly discussion and insight into what I have learned in the corresponding week in ADED 1P32 Learning in Digital Contexts. Along with these discussions and insights, I will also be answering specified questions that are outlined by my instructor to be included in my blog post. Finally, and most importantly, the main purpose of my blog is for you to read and enjoy it!

Why ADED 1P32…

            The reason why I took this course is because I heard it is a great introduction into the online learning atmosphere, and provides you with many new ways to communicate in the digital world. A large factor that has spurred me into learning more about the digital world is the way things are being done in today’s world. Technology continues to advance on a daily basis and those who are not keeping up with it tend to fall behind. I hope to learn about these new techniques over the next twelve weeks of this course and continue this learning there after.

A little bit more about me…
            I am currently in my fourth year of schooling at Brock University. I am majoring in Business Administration, concentrating in Finance, taking part in the co-op program. Going into Brock, I wasn’t sure what area of the Business program was right for me. After my first few years of school, I found that my strong passion for numbers and investments could be best pursued in the Finance stream.
            With my program offering a co-op option, I have been given the opportunity to work for RBC for my three applicable work terms. This has been great for my as it is right inline with the work I hope to be doing post graduation. I have held different positions in all three of these work terms and I am actually currently pursuing my final work term during this semester (January to April). With this past work experience I hope to graduate from Brock and hit the ground running in this banking industry.
            Aside from school and work, I enjoy playing and watching almost every kind of sport. With having two other brothers (one older and one younger), I have been brought up with a very competitive nature. There is hardly a time we pass up an opportunity to get involved in any sporting event.
My favorite of these sports however is hockey. With being a Toronto resident, my passion resides strongly with the Toronto Maple Leafs. I have grown up watching and playing the sport my entire life and love every opportunity I get to either watch or play the game.

I look forward to sharing my posts with you over the time to come.

Take care,

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