Hello Everyone,

“A podcast is a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.”

I found creating a podcast to be a very fascinating and rewarding experience. I have heard many podcasts over the years but have never taken the time to actually make one myself. Even though the podcast I created is very short in length, it gave me a great idea of what it would be like to create a podcast of any size and frequency!

As I have previously stated, to my surprise, I thoroughly enjoyed creating my short podcast. I think it is a very different way to provide insight into a specific topic. Essentially, rather then writing a lengthy blog post, I was able to portray a specific idea in under 60 seconds. I think that this not only saves myself (and my fingers) a lot of time, but also allows the audience to become engaged in your message and untimely saves them time as well.

I can see podcasts becoming a part of everyone’s learning experience in the future. With just a computer and a good microphone, teachers can record their lessons and make them available to students and parents to listen to at home. This makes it easier for students to study and gain a deeper understanding of the material taught in class. Additionally, students can take part in the podcast world as they can share what they have learned about a specific topic with other classmates and receive feedback where applicable (Digital Literacy Classroom, 2013).

Digital literacy, responsibility, and citizenship are all important factors to look at when considering a podcast:

Digital literacy is apparent though ones ability to understand, evaluate, and integrate a podcast through different digital mediums. Being able to use a podcast to draw certain conclusion and create your own ideas is a skill that will resonate with digital literacy.

Digital responsibility is evident though having the rights and freedom to use all types of digital technology in an appropriate manner to view a podcast. Just like in anything you do, you must make sure the ideas and concepts you are portraying in your podcast are yours and do not belong to another individual.

Digital citizenship can be reflected through a podcast based on the appropriateness of the message, as well as the type of behavior conducted with respect to technology use.  Obviously, proper language and emotion should be used when creating a podcast for school purposes. As long as the podcast is created and presented in a respectful manor, positive digital citizenship should follow.

You can check out the podcast I was referring to in this post below!

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