Saturday 24 January 2015

Week 3 - Blog Post #3 - Really Simple Syndication

Hello again,

This week was all about RSS feeds. I had the opportunity to expand my already existing knowledge on this matter and to my surprise, there was a lot more to it then I thought! Not only is there a lot to know about RSS feeds, but also many great tools out there that I was unaware of that take advantage of these feeds. 

As I mentioned in my previous blog for this week called “My Experience with RSS Feeds”, having the right RSS feed tool proves as a “one stop shop” for all your favorite information. After I had my Feedly account up and running, it didn’t take me long before I was using it regularly to get my sport and news updates on a consistent basis. I think it is amazing that the tool provides you with everything you would normally take ages searching for on the Internet in seconds.  The efficiency of this tool is outstanding!

For those of you who are still having trouble wrapping your head around what exactly an RSS feed is, I found the blog called “What is RSS” to be very informing.  A great take away to help better understand RSS feeds from this post by Darren Rowse is that RSS is a technology that allows many people around the world keep track of their favorite websites. These feeds allow the Internet to come to you, rather then you come to them.

Looking at me feed reader…

Again, as I have previously stated in my prior posts, I love sports, especially hockey. This week, the Brock News has written an article on a very special hockey player from the Brock men’s hockey team. His name is Milan Doczy. Milan was diagnosed with cancer this past year and has been battling to his recovery. As the post states, Brock, as well as his former OHL team, the Owen Sound Attack, have rallied behind him and started a fundraiser/campaign called “Do it for Doczy”. As Milan comes from the Czech Republic, he does not receive all the benefits of the Canadian health care system. Because of this, contributions and support is needed from fellow students and colleagues.

For those of you who would like to support and read more, visit the article, Brock set to rally behind ‘Do it For Doczy’

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Being able to use my Feedly RSS feed to stay up-to-date on information like the article above, has aloud me to broaden my knowledge of the world around me. Information such as that above would have normally slipped right under my nose without me even knowing. Having the RSS feed deliver what I want to read has proven to be very beneficial in regards to keeping me informed.

With the RSS feed providing me with only the information I want to read, it has aloud me to expand my own learning in terms of reading. Before the feed, reading was not something I did a lot of. I would always struggle to find something of interest to myself and then by the time I did, I wouldn’t have the time to read it. With the feed pulling only the information of importance to me, it has encouraged my positive reading habits and in turn, resulted in myself expanding my reading capabilities.

I hope you enjoyed my post and get a chance to look at the articles I have made reference to!

Take care,

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