Sunday 1 February 2015

Week 4 - Blog Post #4 - Weekly Report & Reflection

Hello Everyone!

The main topics covered in this week’s session were content curation, and online bookmarking. My understanding of these two topics was very vague before beginning this session. I knew that I was really going to have to look harder into the materials covered in this session if I was going to come out on top. After reviewing the information provided, I believe I have a lot better of an understanding then I did before hand. However, I would still like to continue this exploration, especially towards content curation tools!

A definition of content curation was provided through one of the blog posts in this weeks session by Gianluca Fiorelli called “Content curation: definition and generation.”  The definition states, “content curation is the capacity of filtering and adding value to the content we receive and are exposed to everyday from all the online sources (Search and Social).” Simple put, content curation allows you to sift through the vast amount of content on the web, and present it in a meaningful and organized way around a specific idea.

The quality curation tool I had a closer look at this week was Google Alerts. This tool is essentially exactly what the name implies; it alerts you when a resource of your interest has been added to Google. As stated in this week’s session about Google Alerts, “it is useful for staying up-to-date on news and happenings in your field or interest area.” A huge benefit that Google Alerts will bring to my learning comes from its ability to streamline processes. This tool will free up more time for my self when conducting research or everyday activities as it provides the alert to me, right when new information is posted about my alert of interest.

The other part if this week’s material was focused on bookmarking, and online bookmarking tools. A simple definition on an online bookmark is, “An Internet browser feature that allows a user to go back to a previously visited website by clicking on the saved link without retyping the site’s address” as stated by the BusinessDictionary. As the definition specified, bookmarking allows for easy access to information you may want to re-read, or want repetitive access to.

The bookmarking tool I looked at this week was Diigo. At first, I found this tool to be very challenging to figure out and was wondering why I would use this tool when I already have a bookmarks tool bar. However, after I got comfortable with the tool, I could clearly see the benefits it possessed. I found Diigo to be a form of Google, based on websites you fine necessary to bookmark. Diigo allows you to place a description on the bookmark allowing you easy access to and from a page, without forgetting why you tagged it in the first place.

A great benefit I could see from Diigo would be during a school project.  In the initial phase of the project when you are doing your research, you could bookmark many pages and websites, tagging them all under a specific tag. After you completed your search, you could refer back to your Diigo library and quickly jump back and forth between the websites you already researched. I think this would reduce redundancies in the research process and make the entire research phase more efficient.

My RSS Feed Reader…

What better way to end off this blog then talk about hockey…? A post that I enjoyed from my Feedly reader this week was called “Inside the matchup: Penguins vs. Capitals.” For those of you who do not follow hockey, the NHL has created a rivalry between these teams based off of their captains, Sidney Crosby and Alex Ovechkin. Since these team play each other this week, what better way to get the fans going then talk about them through a blog!  This posts talks about there matchup, noting that Pittsburg has beaten Washington every time they have played each other this season. If you would like more information on this article, you can read it though the link I provided above!

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I hope you enjoyed my post this week.

Take care,

1 comment:

  1. Chris,

    Thank you for introducing me to Google Alerts. I have a Gmail account but have yet to use this tool. I think it would be interesting to be used for breaking news for sports and other general news updates that capture my interests. However, I already use so many apps on my iPhone and iPad that already do this for me so I do not know if using Google Alerts would be high on my priority list to use. Otherwise, if I was looking for something new, Google Alerts would be a great place to start, so thank you for sharing that.

    And like you, I used Diigo as well. I found so many benefits of using this bookmarking tool, especially for educational purposes. I find that for papers, Diigo is most effecting by capturing and tagging specific websites that I may lose or forget about. I agree that by having Diigo, it gives me the opportunity to jump back and forth between websites and reduce a ton of redundancies. Very crucial for university work.

    And finally, I love the article you provided from your Feedly. I am a huge hockey fan and obviously every hockey fan loves the debate between Ovechkin and Crosby. For me, I pick Crosby because he is the better all around player offensively and defensively. Though Crosby does not score as much as Ovechkin, I will take the playmaker any day.


    Ryan DiBattista
