Hello Everyone,

“VoiceThread is an interactive collaboration and sharing tool that enables users to add images, documents, and videos, and to which other users can add voice, text, audio file, or video comments.”

I found VoiceThread to be a very interesting resource. I have never used a tool like this in the past for learning with others in the collaborative setting. I think that it is a fresh and exciting way to view what others think about similar concepts. With its ability to record actual video/audio, it really allows its users to get their messages across as it allows you to add that personal touch of emotion.

The VoiceThread that we were asked to comment on this week asked questions/thoughts around the different ideas of digital citizenship with respect to the digital rights and responsibilities of living in a digital society. I found that this tool made it easy to view what others comments and thoughts were on these topics and ultimately sparked new thoughts for myself around the questions being raised. 

Relating back to my PLE, if I were to categorize this tool I would place it under 2 different categories; those being “Collaborating and Socializing” and “Creating”. I would place it under both of these categories because not only was I creating new content with my comments, but I was also collaborating with the other users through their comments. This would result in this tool falling into its own separate section where it could link to both of these categories.

I can see this tool being useful for many types of academic work. Just like Google Docs, this tool would be great for working on a collaborative piece of work with others. It would allow for real time feedback and comments on what everyone thought about different ideas. I could also see this tool coming in handy for someone trying to create an online Q&A session. It would allow presenters to post a question, then have users respond with their answers. After the presenter takes these answers into consideration, he could then create new material answering any of the questions presented.

You can check out the VoiceThread I was referring to in this post about digital rights and responsibilities below!

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