Monday 30 March 2015

Week 12 - Blog Post #12 - Weekly Report & Reflection

Hello Everyone,

We are now in our last week of ADED 1P32, which means, this will be my final blog post for the course! In this post, I will talk about my overall learning’s from the course, and how I will continue to expand my knowledge of the digital world. More specifically, I will look at what I have learned about building a positive digital footprint, digital citizenship, and overall appropriateness in the digital world.

Before I started this course, my digital footprint was minimal. Even though I have contributed to many online resources in the past, because my name is so popular, it was difficult to find actual information on myself, Chris Thompson. To my surprise, when I now Google my name, information about me is brought up on the top page! To me personally, I like this new digital footprint as it adds value to my own personal image. I feel like the experiences I have indulged in through out this course have left a positive digital footprint for myself, so I am happy others can now share that experience with me!

Digital citizenship has been a topic discussed many times throughout this course. If there is one thing that this course has taught me, it is that digital citizenship refers to the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use. With that being said, digital citizenship and the resources we looked at regarding this matter, have really taught me how to appropriately interact with others online.  Most importantly, it has made me conscious of everything I post to the digital world. No matter what the context, everything you post on the web can be traced back to you. Therefore, you should always consider yourself, as well as other online users when interacting on the web.

As an educated digital citizen, I will continue to promote the positive behaviors I have learned throughout this course to others. I feel like I have gathered a deal of knowledge after completing this course, so it will be very easy for me to pass that along to others. Additionally, I will promote this course to my friends and students at University, as I feel it is important for everyone to understand what it means to be a digital citizen.

As stated above, through promoting this course, ADED 1P32, as well as passing my knowledge of digital citizenship along to others, I feel like I will be helping people develop the knowledge needed to work and live in our digital society.  With the way our world is changing, becoming more and more digitized, now is as good of a time as ever to become educated on this subject!
Jeff, A. (2013, October 11). The Digital World [Online Image]. Retrieved from

Lastly, I would like to say that I have really enjoyed my time here in the ADED 1P32 blog atmosphere. I hope those of you who have had a chance to read through a few of my blog postings think the same way. I look forward to continuing my learning journey!

I hope you enjoyed this week’s final post!

Take care,

1 comment:

  1. i would have to agree with you when i started this course my digital footprint was small also then over time it increased tremendously from being involved in this class!
